Table of Contents
General Questions
What can I expect from the campaign?
Can I bring my kids to session?
What if I can't commit to coming every week?
Character Creation
What sources are allowed for character creation?
How do I figure out my character's stats?
What equipment do I start with?
What do I do if I don't know how to make a character?
Other Questions
What if I want to change Guilds?
Will I have an assigned Dungeon Master?
What happens if my team fails their mission?
Can I play an evil-aligned character?
What if I get tired of the character I picked?
I want to know even more about the campaign. Where I can do that?
General Questions
What can I expect from the campaign?
Crescentia Uncharted is a Westmarches-style campaign - meaning that the onus is on you to explore, make connections, and figure out what's really going on under the surface of this plague- and war-torn continent. Our adventurers started with just one small corner of the map, and have expanded to reveal almost a third of the map by level 6!
When do sessions run?
Mondays and Tuesdays at 6pm. Please note, in an effort to keep things balanced, consistent, and fair, players are asked to please play on one night or the other.
How much is each session?
Sessions are only $10 - and everything you pay goes right back into the campaign, whether paying DMs directly or investing in special events and other ways to continue to improve the player experience.
Can I bring my kids to session?
Absolutely! But if they are participating, they will also need to pay the full session fee. We do have a Guild for 13+ players on Monday nights - any younger than that will be required to play at the same table as their guardian.
What if I can't commit to coming every week?
No problem! That's the beauty of our campaign - feel free to drop in and out as you please. Your character will level up right along with the rest of the campaign, no matter how many sessions you miss.
Character Creation
What sources are allowed for character creation?
This campaign utilizes the Player's Handbook, Monsters of the Multiverse, Xanathar's Guide to Everything, and Tasha's Cauldron of Everything (with the exception of artificer).
How do I figure out my character's stats?
This campaign uses only Point Buy or Standard Array - no rolled stats.
What equipment do I start with?
Each character begins their journey in Crescentia with the items they can buy with their starting gold. Starting gold is calculated at 30gp, plus 5gp per campaign level. For instance, a level 7 character would start with anything they could buy for 65gp. Spellbooks and Holy Symbols are the exception to this rule - they are free for the purposes of character creation.
What level do I start at?
Our campaign utilizes a static levelling system - meaning that everyone in the campaign is the same level at all times. The campaign is currently level 7, but you can always send us a message to make sure!
What do I do if I don't know how to make a character?
Fast Character is a free generator that can help you make a character quickly, and is pretty easy to tune to what you want to play. This is the website we use in-store for pregenerated characters. Alternatively, you can come in early on Monday or Tuesday and we'll find a player or Dungeon Master to help you out!
Other Questions
What's a Spell Failure Check?
In our campaign setting, the Weave has been broken. This means that magic isn't quite as reliable as it is in most D&D settings. To demonstrate this, each casting of a spell includes a spell failure check - and the possibility of something unexpected happening. But worry not, spellcasters! We have feats and items specific to our setting to help you be your very best spell-slinging self.
The Weave is broken? Why?
The short version of the story is that the end of the Greenmarch Campaign was a very dangerous time, and the players may or may not have helped to break the Weave and turn it into a cage for a god. This campaign is a direct continuation of that one, dealing with the aftermath 200 years later.
What's a Guild?
Each player in our campaign is part of a Guild. A guild is a group of up to 12 players that are after a common goal, and choose missions together. Please note that this doesn't mean you'll be at 12-person tables - our larger guilds choose 2 missions every cycle and split their number into teams based on who they think is the best fit (with supplementation from the Mercenary Guild, as needed). There are always Guilds with space for new players - or you can choose to throw your lot in with the Mercenaries and travel all across Crescentia, lending aid and gaining glory with each team you meet!
What if I want to change Guilds?
No problem at all! All that changing Guilds takes is figuring out which Guild you want to join (remembering that the Mercenaries are always an option), getting approval from the Guild Leader, and then letting the Head DM know!
Will I have an assigned Dungeon Master?
Guilds do not have individual assigned DMs - although some do end up with the same DM frequently. DMs are assigned based on the mission you choose at the beginning of each cycle. When you choose a mission, you will go to the table of the DM who wrote and planned that mission.
Okay, what's a Cycle?
A cycle is a three-to-four week period in which a mission is completed. Most cycles will be 3 weeks, but we will have occasional 4 week cycles to help the story line up with specific planned events! Cycle length is the same across all guilds, regardless of mission. And the best news is that you level up at the end of every one!
What happens if my team fails their mission?
There might be in-game consequences, but you won't be penalized by not levelling up or anything of the sort. What you will miss out on are Guild Stats.
What are Guild Stats?
Each Guild acquires Might, Espionage, and Influence with each successful mission. These stats are a reflection of your Guild's impact on and reputation in Crescentia as a whole. They are also used when selecting missions - each mission will have minimums in one or more Guild Stats that must be met for the mission to be chosen.
Can I play an evil-aligned character?
The following alignments are not allowed in Gamers XP store campaigns without DM approval:
Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Evil
Neutral Evil
We have found that allowing these alignments in a large-scale campaign such as this can have detrimental effects on the player experience.
What if I get tired of the character I picked?
Every player gets one free character re-write for just this reason - you can either completely overhaul your character or just make minor changes (like moving a couple stat points around or swapping a proficiency) with no repercussions. Keep all the cool stuff you earned so far! And of course, at any point, you may choose to completely rewrite into a new character - but your new character won't have the same gear or connections that your old one did.
I want to know even more about the campaign. Where I can do that?
Join us over on Discord! Choosing the "RPG Adventurer" role will give you access to all our Crescentia-related channels - and our active and welcoming community would be more that happy to help you out!
Interested in joining our weekly in-store campaign? Check out these frequently asked questions first!